Ged Cowburn
PhD., B.Sc., I.Eng., F.I.H.E., M.C.I.H.T.

Traffic Engineer and Statistician


Thank you for visiting my site.

My name is Ged Cowburn and I am a freelance Traffic Engineer and Statistician, available for contract work in either of these areas and particularly where they overlap. I am based in Sunderland, Tyne & Wear, where I live with my wife and family.

A brief outline of my qualifications and experience is given below : for further details, please visit the relevant page.

Traffic Management

I gained my BTEC (Higher) Certificate in Civil Engineering Studies in 1982 and, shortly thereafter, started work in Traffic Management. Over the years I have been involved in numerous types of scheme including Sign Design, Accident Investigation and Prevention (A.I.P.), Traffic Calming and Traffic Regulation Orders. I have also worked on projects relating to car parking, highway maintenance and highway improvement. I gained Incorporated status in 1989 and joined the then I.H.T. the following year.


Like many others I first studied statistics as part of another course, in my case Civil Engineering. My interest in the subject grew when I was involved in A.I.P. schemes and eventually I studied it formally at the Open University. Having completed these studies I went on to gain a Ph.D. at Sunderland University : the subject of my thesis was the modelling of traffic flow.